teach child how to read

Unlock Your Child's Reading Potential: Effective Techniques and Resources to Teach Kids How to Read. Start their Reading Journey and Watch Them Thrive

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part 2: how to start teaching your child to read

 In the previous part of the article he talked about

  1. The Importance of Early Reading Instruction for Children
  2. Five Key Steps to Begin Teaching Your Child to Read
  3. Effective Strategies for Teaching Reading Skills to Children
  4. Creating a Reading Environment at Home for Your Child
  5. Engaging Activities to Foster a Love for Reading in Your Child

If you did not read the previous part, you can view it here, and I promise you that you will find in it a lot of useful and complementary information for this part 

part 1: how to start teaching your child to read

part 2: how to start teaching your child to read

Welcome to the world of teaching your child to read! As a parent, you play a crucial role in supporting your child's reading journey and helping them develop essential skills that will shape their academic success. This introduction will provide you with valuable insights and practical strategies to effectively guide your child through the process of learning to read. From choosing the right books that align with their interests and abilities to developing phonemic awareness and phonics skills to incorporating multisensory techniques and technology tools, and finally, exploring effective approaches to encourage reading comprehension skills, you will discover a wealth of information and techniques to make this journey an enriching and enjoyable experience for both you and your child. So let's embark on this adventure together and unlock the magical world of reading for your little one!

6. Choosing the Right Books to Support Your Child's Reading Journey:

6.1. Age-Appropriate Book Selection: Matching Books to Your Child's Developmental Stage

Choosing age-appropriate books is essential for supporting your child's reading journey. Consider their developmental stage and select books that align with their cognitive and language abilities. For younger children, opt for picture books with simple text and vibrant illustrations to engage their visual senses. As they grow older, introduce books with more complex stories and vocabulary that challenge their comprehension skills. By choosing books that are tailored to their age, you can ensure that your child remains engaged and motivated to read.

6.2. Considering Interests and Hobbies: Finding Books that Capture Your Child's Attention

One of the key factors in fostering a love for reading is finding books that align with your child's interests and hobbies. Discover what topics or activities excite them the most and seek out books related to those subjects. Whether they have a fascination with dinosaurs, sports, animals, or fantasy, finding books that capture their attention and tap into their passions will ignite their enthusiasm for reading. By connecting reading to their personal interests, you can make it a more enjoyable and meaningful experience for your child.

6.3. Assessing Reading Levels: Selecting Books that Challenge and Engage

When choosing books for your child, it's important to assess their reading levels and select materials that both challenge and engage them. Look for books that are slightly above their current reading level to encourage growth and progress. Striking the right balance between difficulty and accessibility will keep them motivated to improve their skills while still enjoying the reading experience. Consider using tools such as reading assessments or consulting with teachers to determine their appropriate reading level and guide your book selection process.

6.4. Exploring Different Genres: Introducing a Variety of Literary Styles and Themes

Introducing your child to a variety of literary genres is a great way to expand their reading horizons and expose them to different writing styles and themes. Incorporate fiction, non-fiction, poetry, biographies, and other genres into their reading repertoire. By doing so, you expose them to diverse storytelling techniques and subject matters, fostering their creativity and critical thinking skills. Encourage them to explore different genres and discover their preferences, allowing them to develop a well-rounded appreciation for literature.

6.5. Seeking Recommendations and Reviews: Utilizing Resources for Book Selection Guidance

Utilize various resources to seek recommendations and reviews when selecting books for your child. Consult with teachers, librarians, and fellow parents to get insights on popular and highly recommended books for children. Online platforms, such as book review websites and forums, can also provide valuable feedback and suggestions. By tapping into these resources, you can discover hidden gems and make informed choices that align with your child's reading interests and needs.

Remember, choosing the right books for your child is crucial in fostering their love for reading. By considering their developmental stage, interests, reading levels, and diverse genres, and utilizing available resources for guidance, you can create a rich reading environment that supports their reading journey and cultivates a lifelong passion for books.

7. Developing Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Skills in Your Child:

Developing phonemic awareness and phonics skills is crucial for your child's early reading development. Phonemic awareness refers to the ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words, while phonics focuses on the relationship between letters and sounds. By building a strong foundation in these areas, your child will gain the necessary skills to decode words and become proficient readers.

7.1. Introduction to Phonemes: Building the Foundation of Phonemic Awareness

Introducing your child to phonemes is the first step in developing their phonemic awareness. Engage them in activities that focus on identifying and manipulating sounds, such as playing with rhymes, recognizing initial sounds in words, and blending or segmenting sounds in spoken words. By sharpening their ability to distinguish individual sounds, they will develop a strong foundation for reading and spelling.

7.2. Exploring Letter Sounds: Teaching the Relationship Between Letters and Sounds

Once your child has a grasp of phonemes, it's time to introduce letter sounds. Teach them the relationship between letters and their corresponding sounds, starting with basic consonant sounds and short vowel sounds. Use visual aids, such as alphabet charts or flashcards, to reinforce their understanding of letter-sound connections. Engage in activities that involve identifying letter sounds in words and practicing sound-symbol recognition.

7.3. Phonics Instruction Strategies: Effective Techniques for Teaching Letter-Sound Correspondence

Implement effective phonics instruction strategies to teach letter-sound correspondence. Use a systematic approach that progresses from simple to complex phonics patterns. Engage your child in activities such as word-building exercises, word sorts, and phonics games. Provide explicit instruction, modeling, and guided practice to ensure they understand the relationship between letters and sounds.

7.4. Word Decoding Activities: Helping Your Child Break Down and Decode Words

Encourage your child to practice word decoding skills by providing them with activities that involve breaking down and decoding unfamiliar words. Use word families, word puzzles, and word blending exercises to strengthen their ability to sound out words. Gradually introduce more challenging words and help them apply their phonics knowledge to decode new vocabulary.

7.5. Developing Spelling Skills: Guiding Your Child in Applying Phonics Rules

As your child becomes more proficient in phonics, focus on developing their spelling skills. Guide them in applying phonics rules to spell words accurately. Practice spelling words with similar phonetic patterns and reinforce spelling rules through dictation exercises. Encourage them to use their phonics knowledge to spell unfamiliar words independently.

By incorporating these strategies and providing regular opportunities for phonemic awareness and phonics practice, you can support your child in developing strong reading and spelling skills. Remember to make the learning process engaging and interactive, fostering their enthusiasm for mastering phonemes and phonics.

8. Incorporating Multisensory Techniques in Teaching Reading:

Incorporating multisensory techniques into reading instruction can greatly enhance the learning experience for children. By engaging multiple senses, such as touch, movement, and visual elements, you can create a rich and interactive environment that promotes deeper understanding and retention of reading skills.

8.1. Hands-On Letter Exploration: Engaging Multiple Senses to Learn Letters and Sounds

Utilize hands-on activities to help children learn letters and their corresponding sounds. Incorporate materials like textured letter cards or alphabet puzzles that allow them to touch and feel the shapes of letters. Encourage them to trace letters with their fingers or even with sensory materials like sand or playdough. By engaging their sense of touch, children can develop a stronger connection between letters and their sounds.

8.2. Kinesthetic Reading Activities: Incorporating Movement to Enhance Learning

Incorporate movement into reading activities to enhance learning. Encourage children to act out stories or engage in interactive reading experiences where they can physically participate in the events of the story. Use actions or gestures to represent different sounds or words, allowing children to associate movement with language. This kinesthetic approach can improve their comprehension and retention of reading concepts.

8.3. Sensory-Based Word Building: Using Tactile and Visual Elements for Word Construction

Make word-building a sensory experience by incorporating tactile and visual elements. Provide materials like magnetic letters, letter tiles, or textured cards for children to manipulate as they construct words. Encourage them to visually arrange the letters and physically rearrange them to form different words. This multisensory approach reinforces letter-sound relationships and enhances their understanding of word structure.

8.4. Interactive Phonics Games: Making Learning Fun and Engaging Through Play

Engage children in interactive phonics games to make learning enjoyable and engaging. Use games that involve matching letter sounds, blending sounds to form words, or segmenting words into individual sounds. Incorporate elements like colorful visuals, sound effects, or rewards to make the games more appealing. By combining playfulness with learning, children are motivated to actively participate and develop their reading skills.

8.5. Creating Multi-Sensory Stories: Encouraging Active Involvement in Reading Experiences

Create multi-sensory stories that actively involve children in the reading experience. Use props, puppets, or sensory materials that relate to the story's theme or characters. Encourage children to interact with the story by touching, smelling, or even tasting objects that represent elements of the narrative. By immersing children in the story through multiple senses, you foster a deeper connection to the text and enhance their overall reading experience.

By incorporating these multisensory techniques into reading instruction, you provide children with a holistic and engaging learning environment. It allows them to explore letters and sounds through hands-on experiences, incorporates movement to enhance comprehension, build words using tactile and visual elements, play interactive phonics games, and actively participate in multi-sensory stories. These approaches not only make learning enjoyable but also facilitate a deeper understanding and retention of reading skills.

9. Using Technology Tools to Enhance Reading Instruction for Your Child:

In today's digital age, technology can play a significant role in enhancing reading instruction for children. By leveraging various technology tools, parents can provide their children with interactive and engaging experiences that promote reading skills and foster a love for literature.

9.1. Interactive Reading Apps: Utilizing Digital Platforms to Foster Reading Skills

Interactive reading apps offer a wide range of digital books, activities, and games that can captivate your child's interest and enhance their reading skills. These apps often incorporate features like interactive illustrations, read-aloud options, and comprehension quizzes, providing a multi-dimensional reading experience. By using interactive reading apps, children can develop their vocabulary, comprehension, and overall reading fluency enjoyably and interactively.

9.2. Digital Phonics Games and Activities: Engaging Tools for Phonemic Awareness and Phonics

Digital phonics games and activities can be powerful tools for developing phonemic awareness and phonics skills in children. These games often include exercises that focus on letter-sound relationships, word decoding, and blending sounds. With colorful visuals, audio prompts, and interactive challenges, digital phonics tools provide a fun and engaging way for children to practice their phonics skills and strengthen their reading foundation.

9.3. E-books and Audiobooks: Expanding Access and Engagement in Reading Materials

E-books and audiobooks offer a convenient and accessible way to expand your child's reading materials. Digital platforms provide a vast library of e-books and audiobooks across various genres and reading levels. Children can explore different stories, genres, and authors, allowing them to develop a broader literary understanding. Audiobooks also support listening comprehension and can be a valuable tool for reluctant readers or those with learning differences.

9.4. Online Reading Resources: Exploring Educational Websites for Reading Support

Educational websites dedicated to reading provide a wealth of resources to support your child's reading journey. These platforms often offer interactive lessons, reading comprehension activities, vocabulary builders, and writing prompts. They may also provide assessment tools to track your child's progress and offer personalized recommendations for their reading development. By exploring online reading resources, parents can find valuable support and guidance in nurturing their child's reading skills.

9.5. Virtual Reading Communities: Connecting Your Child to Online Reading Communities and Discussions

Virtual reading communities create opportunities for children to connect with peers who share a love for reading. These communities often feature online forums or discussion boards where children can engage in conversations about books, share recommendations, and participate in virtual book clubs. By participating in virtual reading communities, children not only develop their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills but also foster a sense of belonging and a deeper appreciation for literature.

By harnessing the power of technology tools, parents can enhance their child's reading instruction and create an immersive and interactive learning experience. Interactive reading apps, digital phonics games, e-books, audiobooks, online reading resources, and virtual reading communities all contribute to expanding access, engagement, and skill development in reading. Embracing these technological resources can empower children on their reading journey and help them become lifelong readers.

10. Effective Approaches to Encourage Reading Comprehension Skills:

Reading comprehension is a crucial skill that allows individuals to understand, interpret, and analyze written texts. By implementing effective approaches, parents and educators can support children in developing strong reading comprehension skills that will benefit them across various academic subjects and real-life situations.

10.1. Pre-Reading Strategies: Building Prior Knowledge and Making Connections

Pre-reading strategies help children build a foundation of prior knowledge and make connections to the text before diving into the reading itself. This can involve previewing the text, discussing related topics, activating background knowledge, and setting goals for reading. By engaging in pre-reading activities, children develop a context for understanding the text, which enhances their comprehension and critical thinking skills.

10.2. Active Reading Techniques: Teaching Annotation, Summarization, and Questioning

Active reading techniques empower children to interact with the text actively. Encouraging annotation, where children underline, highlight, or jot down notes, helps them identify important information and make connections within the text. Summarizing passages or chapters helps children extract key ideas and monitor their understanding. Questioning the text stimulates critical thinking and promotes deeper engagement with the material.

10.3. Vocabulary Development: Expanding Word Knowledge for Better Comprehension

A strong vocabulary is essential for effective reading comprehension. Parents and educators can support vocabulary development by introducing new words, discussing their meanings, and providing opportunities for their application in context. Activities such as word games, word maps, and vocabulary quizzes can enhance word knowledge and improve comprehension as children encounter unfamiliar terms in their reading.

10.4. Visualizing and Making Mental Images: Enhancing Understanding Through Imagery

Visualizing and making mental images while reading help children create vivid pictures in their minds. This approach enhances comprehension by fostering a deeper understanding of the text's descriptions, settings, and events. Encouraging children to engage their senses and imagine the characters, places, and actions as they read stimulates their imagination and strengthens their comprehension skills.

10.5. Reflective Discussions: Promoting Critical Thinking and Analysis of Texts

Engaging in reflective discussions after reading encourages children to think critically about the text, share their thoughts, and analyze the content. This can involve asking open-ended questions, exploring different perspectives, and connecting the text to personal experiences or other texts. Reflective discussions enhance comprehension by encouraging children to think beyond the surface level and develop a deeper understanding of the text's themes, messages, and literary techniques.

By implementing these effective approaches, parents and educators can nurture reading comprehension skills in children. Pre-reading strategies, active reading techniques, vocabulary development, visualization, and reflective discussions all contribute to enhancing comprehension abilities. With consistent practice and guidance, children can become proficient readers who can comprehend and engage with various types of texts effectively.

In conclusion,

teaching your child to read is a crucial step in their educational development. By following a systematic approach and utilizing effective strategies, you can create a solid foundation for their reading skills. Creating a reading-friendly environment at home, engaging in activities that foster a love for reading, and selecting age-appropriate books are essential starting points.

Developing phonemic awareness and phonics skills through targeted instruction helps children understand the relationship between letters and sounds, paving the way for successful reading. Incorporating multisensory techniques, such as hands-on exploration and kinesthetic activities, enhances their learning experience and engagement.

Leveraging technology tools, such as interactive apps, digital games, e-books, and online resources, can further enhance reading instruction and provide access to a wide range of reading materials. Additionally, employing effective approaches to encourage reading comprehensions, such as pre-reading strategies, active reading techniques, vocabulary development, visualization, and reflective discussions, supports their understanding and critical thinking abilities.

By implementing these strategies, you can nurture a lifelong love for reading in your child and equip them with essential literacy skills. Remember to be patient, supportive, and consistent in your efforts. Together, you and your child can embark on an exciting reading journey that will open doors to knowledge, imagination, and a world of possibilities.


  • https://readingeggs.com/articles/2018-09-16-teach-kids-to-read-at-home/
  • https://www.beginlearning.com/parent-resources/how-to-teach-a-child-to-read/
  • https://www.splashlearn.com/blog/easy-steps-to-teach-kids-to-read/
  • https://hechingerreport.org/what-parents-need-to-know-about-the-research-on-how-kids-learn-to-read/
  • https://www.scholastic.com/parents/books-and-reading/books-and-reading-guides/raise-reader-parent-guide-to-reading-ages-3-5.html
  • https://www.icanteachmychild.com/10-steps-to-teaching-your-child-to-read/

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teach child how to read